M4 J33, B4050. Follow signs to Barry Island but not all the way. Access to Barry Meditation Centre is signposted on the left hand side of St Nicholas Road just as you cross the mini roundabout at the bottom of Park Crescent. Access is via a lane, There is limited car parking available. Please see the map for detail.
We are just a few minutes walk from Barry Train Station. As you leave the Station turn Right and walk approximately 100 Meters. Turn Left, up Canon Street, over the cross roads and take the second lane on your right which leads to Canonhill Artspace, Signposted.
From the Bus Station in Cardiff, board the 95 Bus at location F1. Dismount at the Park Crescent Stop. Walk down the hill, across the mini roundabout passing Bethel Baptist Church on your Left. Access is via a well signposted lane next to Bethel. Follow the lane around to your Right. The entrance is the Red door.
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